I placed this class of outstanding Jersey cows C D A B. C starts the class because she excels in overall style, balance, and correctness of udder. C places over D because she is longer and leaner in her...
D C B A is my placing in this well-balanced class of Ayrshire cows. D starts this class because she has the best udder and more overall dairy strength being wider from end to end. D also has more bloom...
I found a logical placing of B D A C in this outstanding class of Guernsey cows. B places over D for her advantage in dairy character. She is cleaner and longer through the head and neck, sharper over...
I place this fine class of Holstein cows D B A C. D easily wins this class with her combination of modern dairy strength and the fact she has the best udder in this class. When you view the cows from the...
C A B D is my placing for this class of Brown Swiss cows. The class sorted itself into two pairs. The stylish C places over the dark A for her advantage in style, balance, frame, and capacity. C is more...
Five classes of dairy cows are featured on the covers of our January through March 10 issues, representing five of the dairy breeds. Click the cover image to see the official placing for the class, the...
Confirmation reached the Hoard's Dairyman offices that a BSE case had been found in a California dairy cow shortly after 2 p.m. Central time yesterday. Thoughts of "the Christmas surprise" of 2003 (the...
As printed in our April 10, 2012 issue... FEBRUARY MILK FLOW UP 4.3 percent nationwide when adjusted for leap year. Cow numbers rose 9,000 head from January; 87,000 head from the same time last year. The...
Portable Electric Panel If you need a temporary place to plug in a lot of cords, this panel comes in handy. Your cords stay out of the snow or mud, it's portable, and it stores easy. Isaac Hackel
As printed in our March 25, 2012 issue... A $17.90 ALL-MILK PRICE is the latest USDA estimate for 2012. The projection is down 80 cents since January due to higher than expected gains in milk production...
Silage roll-up We created a homemade roll-up with 1-inch cable and a piece of pipe bent into a crank, then welded the cable to the crank. The cable length depends on the size of the bag. We use a 12-foot...
Use curtain strapping in front of stalls We use 2-inch strips of curtain strapping to keep cows from going forward in the face-in free stalls at the Hoard's Dairyman Farm. This polypropylene strapping,...
As printed in our March 10, 2012 issue... MILK PRODUCTION WAS UP 3.4 percent nationwide over a year ago in January. Cow numbers rose 76,000 head (+1 percent) from last year and 13,000 from December. Nation's...
2012 hay outlook: Prices may dip a little, but they'll still be painful for buyers. Alfalfa hay market analyst Seth Hoyt always draws a big crowd for his annual forecast at the Western Alfalfa and Forage...
Dry erase hutch map One of my jobs is to feed baby calves. I found this dry erase board handy to map calves in hutches. This system works very well when others need to feed calves if I am not available....
We attended the Illinois Agricultural Communications Symposium last week, organized in honor of the University of Illinois Ag Communications' 50-year anniversary. The daylong event started off with a...
As printed in our February 25, 2012 issue... CHEESE OUTPUT ROSE 1.7 PERCENT to 10.61 billion pounds in 2011. That marks 20 straight years that production has set new records. DECEMBER'S STRONG FINISH at...
The twin combo of more milk per cow and a larger dairy herd pushed up milk production last year. When looking at the year-end statistics released by USDA, cow numbers went up 75,000-head or 0.8 percent...
Mud, sun, warmth, cold, crowds, and fun were all part of the familiar mix at World Ag Expo last week in Tulare, Calif. But it's what was not there that was the show's biggest dairy story. If 2009 was...
Nationally, the breed set new production averages. Based on a record of 91,028 lactations, the Jersey breed set new category records for pounds of milk, fat, and protein. In 2011, the breed averaged 18,633...